Hi! My Name is Neel, it's nice to meet you.

Full Name: Neelesh Rastogi | Pronouns: He/Him/His

I am a Sr. Machine Learning Engineer at Radiology Partners, where I work towards building systems and infrastructure to support ML models and software solutions to scale more than a million reports daily nationwide.

Within the purview of my role, I also provide software design specifications and implementation assistance for data-driven solutions to enforce best practice compliance and recommendations to further support current radiologists workflows.

  • City: New York City, NY
  • Education: Bachelors in Computer Science & Mathematics
  • Email: [email protected]

Outside of work, I often like to explore open source solutions and contribute to independent and organizational research within scaled automated machine learning, AI assisted decision making and information retrieval solutions within natural language and computer vision domains. Some of my representative publications / projects are listed below, as well.


What others say

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I had the great fortune of working alongside Neel at a large radiology practice, where we collaborated on various machine learning projects. Neel is the kind of person that we should all aspire to be: a hard-working, collaborative colleague and ML tool expert who is always up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques. His work ethic is admirable, often taking long nights to make sure projects are completed on time and to the highest standards. What truly sets Neel apart is his creative ingenuity. Whenever we faced a challenge, Neel's inventive spirit would take over, and time and time again we would be able to solve even the most complex problems with unique solutions. ...

Justin O. Barber

Full Stack Machine Learning Scientist and Engineer

April 17, 2023

Justin and I worked together at Radiology Partners

Neelesh is an ambitious, creative student and colleague while we were at at St. John's University. One of Neelesh's most impressive traits is his genuine enjoyment of brainstorming and idea/concept development. I always felt I could pitch ideas and thoughts to Neelesh without worrying about judgement or immediate criticism. He always provided an opportunity to explore an idea- to hypothesize and examine its potential. Neelesh is also receptive to considerations of his own ideas, and is always open to hearing how things can be improved or reimagined.

Benjamin Schmidt

November 30, 2018

Benjamin was senior to me at St. John's University

Neel is an excellent student in both professional and personal life. He is talented, hardworking and eager to learn and pursue further always. Neel has very good programming skills, such Java, Python, and their applications. He is working in two research projects with me; disease outbreak defection using NLP and machine learning and Dialogue System in Robot to predict depression. Furthermore, he got A in my Natural Language Processing course and implemented a dialogue system for Pepper robot.

Dr. Fazel Keshtkar

Associate Professor Of Computer Science

September 14, 2018

Dr. Keshtkar was my NLP professor at St. John's University

Neel has an incredible mind as a visionary, but more importantly an incredible work ethic as a team player! I attended St, John's University with him and was able to get to know him through an academic setting. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. And from what I saw in Grad School, Neel never ceases to amaze people with his brilliant mind. Excited to see where he goes and what he does next!

Rebecca Vega

Marketing | Product Development | Innovation

August 22, 2018

Rebecca and I studied together at St. John's University

Neelesh is an intelligent student who always goes the extra mile! He does an outstanding job keeping up with current research and innovations in AI. As a new project, Neelesh is working on a chatbot to support the University community. He is very active in the University, including organizing our first TEDx talk. Throughout his coursework, Neelesh always works to excel, whether it is Java programming or natural language processing. I enthusiastically recommend Neelesh.

Dr. Christina Schweikert

Associate Professor at St. John's University

July 28, 2018

Dr. Schweikert was my CS professor at St. John's University